
Wednesday, 5 October 2011

Cool Sites to Digitalise Your Stories

You can use the following tools to digitalise the stories we read in the class.

glogster to create posters, summaries, reviews, etc
animoto to create online video shows, summaries,etc
photobucket to create video shows, summaries, etc
fakebook to create an imaginary profile pages for one of the characters from the story.
goanimate to create animations
bookr to summaries, character analysis,
The Newspaper Clipping Generator
Prezi using this very cool zooming presentation tool, you can create anything for the story.
Youblisher Make your pdf documents flippable and quickly loading
Letterpop to create eye-popping newsletters, presentations, summaries, reviews, etc.
BigHugeLabs many ideas to create a digital story using a photo.

A New Year, New Beginning

Hi all,

It will be a tough year for you. Good luck!!!